The Merry Meteorite


The sun– it’s lazy, and warm
Squinting, I see its yellow frown
And white clouds sailing by
I’m staring at a blue, blue sky–
Sipping marm’lade with a lingering sigh…

My arm– it’s warm, and it burns–
Why, a star twinkles in broad daylight!
It’s yellow and it’s red; it’s white and it’s orange
Proud like the Sun; almost as bright—
Absorbing dark and exuding light,
It holds my gaze and baffles my sight…

The wind—it’s balmy ‘gainst its wont
Gasping away, I take another sip…
Seven Scalding Summers and His tepid haunts!
My tongue flails and my throat’s been ripped
Never anon marmalade shall I drink!

I drop the glass and my glance turns up
To follow the streak, akin to a hair…
I mourn the sallow sky which it did tear
And frozen, watch the horrendous spectre
Make for the houses clustered ‘bout the spire…

Often, I would run with steps hurried
Down the lanes of that town slurried
And it used to snow capacious…
Many a time I’d play hide and seek
In the neighbouring woods of fir and teak
And the stuff at the bakery was delicious…

I’ve heard that sometimes time can freeze
Right now, it has indeed.
The woods have ensconced the ball of fury,
With a vengeance it has embraced my town
As I watch, it all turns blurry…

A slap to the face, a burst of heat—
The grass no longer kisses my feet.
I gasp and stare at a sorrowful sky—
My back throbs; there’s a suffocating heat–
Silently, I wish my hometown goodbye…

I stand and I look at what can never be
My eyes know there’s nothing to see—
An empty expanse of ghastly houses
A huge void where its centre abided.
Staring, fists clenched, confused anger and hate—
A figure displaced by a sarcastic fate…

I’ve heard that sometimes moments can freeze
Although I fit like a cog in here now,
Can I ever forget the arch of those trees
When they bowed and it all crumbled like dough?
I have no place here; this cog needs too much grease
For it’s a mere memory in a chaotic breeze…